Samstag, 7. November 2009
Donnerstag, 5. November 2009
Donnerstag, 3. September 2009
Wanna be a great designer? Join our designer classes!
We have launched the Safari Lounge and it is on Introduction price for 3 more days only!
Learning without any pressure - fits into your schedule!
If you like to know what you can expect - go to the Safari Lounge blog. Due to the opening not everything is ready of course but still you can read some testimonials and sign up for the newsletter there - the surprise will come later, as soon as we are ready. But I promise it will and it will be a CU freebie!
Our Designer Classes offer you:
- a lifetime subscription to the Safari Lounge for just one time fee!
- you can watch our videotutorials unlimited
- you get a summary from each tutorial
- you get store coupons from our designers for selected products (CU items!!! e.g. Papierstudio Silkes Soft Art Actions - 35% off, Carena´s Designs - 35% off, Digidesignresort Grabbags (as many as you want) 50% off)
- you are mentored by designers, everything you create will be quality checked by us
- you can ask each question you want and we will always be willing to help you.
- you get on the opening weekend a VERY special introduction price!!!!
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Freitag, 3. Oktober 2008
Pumpkin hunt today!!!! 20 Freebies in the store!!!
Yes - i´ve added right now 20 cute little pumpkins to the Digidesignresort store - so go through the products, find the pumpkin and load ALL the goodies!!!
In one of the bags a coupon is hidden - an extra big one - so you´ll get an enourmous discount!!!
So make sure you shop today!!!!
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Sonntag, 21. September 2008
Sonntag, 31. August 2008
Digidesigner Resort Grabbag REVEALED!
I promise this grabbag is a-m-a-z-i-n-g!!!!!!!!
we filled it with LOTS of goodies. If you were pleased with the contend last month you´ll love this one:
we added not less than 4 photoshop actions!
you get it as last month - just sign up for the designer resort grabbag and you´ll be free after your payment is made for our designer grabbag forum.
LOTS of fun with these goodies!
Come to and sign up for grabbag under designer subscriptions!
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Donnerstag, 28. August 2008
The Digidesign Resort....
I wonder if you all have heard about our great new site, the Digidesign Resort?
We offer several services there - first of all
a suuuuuuuuuper big designer grabbag!
You get 4 (yes you read right!) actions and a mix of 50 elements, backgrounds and photoshop brushes. This bag is amazing but will be gone after sunday. So just 3 more days for you to check it out!
Click here
We have another fantastic thing i need to tell you. We made a big big resource for all digital designers with more than 30 actions - yes, believe it *lol* and additional 400 elements, papers, overlays, brushes, styles, stockphotos... and whatever you can think of as a designer.
Click here for more information
and last but not least:
Promote your designs with our help
Designer´s Extra Subscriptions
We offer a new service at Digidesign Resort.
As designers we know how important advertising is. To give all designers the chance to advertise here at the resort (and not just a few with the banner advertising) we added a product gallery to our gallery and a designer business room where you can ask questions to other designers as well as get help if you need.
as a special bonus you get help at the forum in all webdesign questions. i´ll check the forum daily to support all your questions to zencart, group advertising, etc.
also, we´ve added several tutorials to our forum - like:
- how to make your own style at photoshop
- how to advertise in all yahoogroups at once
- how to add multiple downloads to zencart
- ....etc
several more will follow
So for 10 Dollar per year you get:
- unlimited access to the product gallery (you can upload as much as you want)
- access to the designer forum with webdesign help
- tutorials to designer related questions
honestly - this is a deal, or?
you can subscribe in our subscription area - click here - just purchaise "Designer´s Extras" and you are free for product gallery and the designer forum immediately :-)
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